Wednesday, March 17, 2010

New Site Finally Up, Other Stuff...

So much momentum lately...

Two days into this new semester and I'm finally getting a chance to really get together my online representation. With this blog up, I've now got a LinkedIn Profile as well as the new website Galactica Incognita(still under construction), and it's all connected. I'm very proud of the site progress so far; it really gives a professional look to the cluttered mess that has been my artistic porfolio. It pays to get organized, I've realized. Everything feels as if it's converging, and with an online presence, it shows. I'll be doing a lot more work on the site tonight and hopefully have the "Creatures" section up and functional soon.

Artistically, I won't be generating anything new for a few weeks; the apartment and all our things are in limbo as we prepare for the move to Lacombe. When we're there and settled, I'm hoping that the rural atmosphere will be much more conducive to concentration and creativity than trying to get some peace in a crowded apartment building in a putrid suburb of New Orleans. Until then, my porfolio and the creatures I'm working on will be boxed up. In the meantime, I've got some family coming into town and quite a bit of reading to do.

That's about it, I'll be posting again soon.


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